Monday, November 30, 2009


Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.-Napoleon Hill

I am going to try and Blog everyday that is my goal and a mentor of mine says it takes 21 days before it becomes a habit.
I am still new to this but what I wanted to talk about was Dreams What are your dreams? What did you want to be when you were a little girl or boy? Does it seem ridiculous now? I always wanted to be a Mom and seeing that I am no where near that phase of my life lol sad but true I wanted a baby to love and take care of I also wanted to be a singer and I have had some chances to perform but like Broadway sing in front of thousands and hear people clapping and cheering me on? So why do we lose sight of these things that at one point in our life it was like this is what I am gonna do when I grow up but than Taddah:)) Life happens and we lose it some how in life we have other peoples opinions or even our own selves we say we don't let others dictate what we do but we do it we let others have that power over us. Regain your power and know that your dreams can become a reality I know my dreams can still come true a Mother and one day perform in front of thousands it's not a matter of how or when it's that it will happen.

I have started making dream boards and you know what it has been kind of a difficult task because I never truly sat down and thought about what I truly want now. I am a totally different person that I was 5 yrs ago and believe me when I say it's been a journey to get here but I loved putting it together but I really need to sit and visualize what I want for my future I am going to post pics of them when I am finished.Start one if you haven't it's an amazing blueprint for your future whatever you may want in life:))

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